Women of Hope: CrossCity Widows Ministry

A Ministry of Widows of all ages within the community supporting each other through service, friendship and Christ’s love. The group meets the 2nd Saturday of each month, from 10:00am-12:00pm, in the Backlot Building #2 on the CrossCity Campus.


September 14th Welcome Back Breakfast

October 12th Harvest Party

November 9th Widows Thanksgiving

December 1st Thanksmas Banquet Event 5:00 pm in the CC Kids Building


January 11th Happy New Year!

February 8th Valentines Party

March 8th Tea Party

April 12th Pregnancy Care Center Project

May 10th Hawaiian Luau

Let us know you are coming to our next meeting:


Like us on Facebook to stay up to date with our ministry Facebook: Women of Hope



Yarn Ministry

Proverbs. 18:16 – A gift opens the way for the giver…

The Yarn Ministry goal is for each member to reach out and plant a seed in their own community of family, friends, neighbors and co-workers with their yarn projects by including a bookmark ministry-tag as a visual reminder, to the recipient, of God’s love. As an added blessing, we also encourage our members to make handmade charitable yarn donations, in prayer, for local hospitals, hospice facilities, the Rescue Mission or other community center agencies that God has set on the individual’s heart. It is the individual member’s responsibility to contact and follow through with their personal outreach, be it personal or corporate. Last year the members in this group donated 1064 items to various charities and organizations. There are so many needs… please consider joining this ministry to help bring the light of God’s love to others!

This ministry meets on the first Monday of the month from 1-3pm in Building 2 in the back of the CrossCity campus.

Monday, Jan 4th

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, Feb 1

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, Mar 1

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, April 5th

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, May 3rd

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, June 7th

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, July 12th

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, Aug 2nd

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, Sep 13th

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, Oct 4th

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, Nov 1st

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

Monday, Dec 6th

1:00-3:00pm in CrossCity Building 2

To join our next meeting, click HERE to register


Autumn Robertson at 323-9675 ext.1340

Honor Quilts

The Honor Quilt Ministry makes quilts with the American Flag that are given to the families or our Fallen Heroes, and to our Returning Wounded Heroes. If you have patriotic fabric to donate, or if you would like to sponsor a quilt for $75, please contact Autumn at 323-9675 x1340. Anyone wishing to donate a yard of new fabric from Quilters Paradise, in Clovis, will be given a 20% discount by mentioning CrossCity’s Honor Quilt Ministry. Our group meets on the third Saturday of the month to work on our quilts.  If you would like to join us for a work day please contact us at honorquiltministry@gmail.com

Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/HonorQuiltMinistry